altafiber Blog

altafiber Goes Solar in Dayton

Written by Nadja T. | Aug 9, 2023 5:47:19 PM

Our Dayton altafiber store and office got an upgrade! Next time you drive by or visit 230 Webster Street, look up to see our new rooftop solar array generating clean power from sunshine.

This solar system is the latest action in altafiber's Climate Action Plan. It is made of 177 Canadian Solar panels, which will produce around 86,400 kilowatt-hours of power each year, saving us over $6,000 annual on our electric bills. The array is sized to produce enough power to offset 100% of the power we use in the building over the course of the year. This enables us to be "net-zero" carbon emissions in this location after a year. The clean-energy production of this system is like avoiding burning 4695 barrels of oil! 

The system was designed and installed by Appalachian Renewable Power (ARP), an Ohio small business. Check out the video below to see ARP installing the array.


Check out our new #solarpanels on our Dayton store and office on Webster Street! #ecofriendly #corporatesustainability #solarpower

♬ Campfire - Charmer & Klay

As the Director of Sustainability for altafiber working at the Dayton office, the first time I saw the building’s roof I said to Joe [Lockett, altafiber Director of Real Estate], 'That is the PERFECT roof for solar!' The pitched roof slopes perfectly to the south, which maximizes solar production. It’s also a standing-seam metal roof, which means the panels sit on racks clipped to the roof’s seams with no penetrations or holes created in the roof. The altafiber real estate and procurement team worked with ARP to make the array a reality.

altafiber is committed to reducing our carbon emissions to zero by 2040. This building is a leading example of how we will achieve that. Learn more about our corporate sustainability efforts by visiting our environmental sustainability page.