Vacations are great, but so are stay-cations around the Cincinnati region! As the temperatures rise, it is the perfect opportunity to explore and cherish the tristate that we call home. altafiber has tons of free Wi-Fi Hotspots around the region in locations that each provide a unique experience for friends or family. Below is a map and list of locations with Fioptics Free Wi-Fi to take advantage of this summer.
Additional free Wi-Fi hotspots listed below — comment which of these popular local spots are your favorite.
Get out and enjoy these hot spots with our Wi-Fi hotspots! Find even more Cincinnati and NKY locations with our free Wi-Fi here. Access blazing fast Fioptics Wi-Fi simply by visiting your device’s Settings, clicking Wi-Fi, choosing 'Fioptics Free Wi-Fi' or 'Smart Cincy Wi-Fi" and following the prompts to connect.