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Protecting Small Businesses from Cyberthreats with Secure Network

Posted by Adam Walton on Jun 6, 2024 11:00:00 AM

If you’re a small or medium-sized business (SMB) owner, you know you have to balance the need to increase employee productivity without increasing your business’ exposure to threats from online criminals. To gain a competitive edge you’re likely to adopt new technologies like IoT devices - tablets, smartphones, POS systems, security cameras, speakers. However, the more heavily you rely on these technologies, the more you’re exposing your business to cybersecurity threats.

Various small businesses - like retail shops, restaurants, financial services, hair salons, coffee shops, or construction companies - are prime targets for cyberattacks. They might have a few employees who function as an unofficial IT department, but when it comes to protecting the business from cybercrime, they often act reactively rather than proactively.

Short on time and money, it can be hard to navigate and evaluate the many cybersecurity offerings out there. Determining this is critical, however, as a cybersecurity breach can result in more than a financial loss—it can hurt your company's reputation and weaken customer trust.

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Topics: Business, Secure Network

Secure Network in Action: Three Challenges, One Solution

Posted by Adam Walton on May 21, 2024 7:35:04 PM

Secure Network from altafiber empowers your business with unmatched protection, superior network performance, and a premium WiFi experience. Let’s see three examples of how Secure Network can solve different business challenges.

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Topics: Business, Secure Network

2024 Cybersecurity Checklist for Small Businesses

Posted by Jordan S. on May 2, 2024 3:53:15 PM

71% of ransomware attacks impact small businesses. Aside from the devastating financial implications, a ransomware attack often results in the exposure of sensitive customer information, eroding trust with current and prospective clients. How well does your business protect customer data? Evaluate your cybersecurity posture with this best practices checklist. Click the image to download the pdf file

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Topics: Business, Secure Network

Introducing Secure Network Solution for Growing Businesses

Posted by Josh Pichler on Apr 2, 2024 3:14:58 PM

altafiber Business is pleased to announce the launch of Secure Network, an enterprise-grade network solution that is priced and tailored for small- to medium-sized businesses. Secure Network provides cyberthreat protection for customers with reduced or limited IT resources, all while delivering superior network performance and WiFi.

In today’s increasingly connected world, the opportunities for cyberattacks have become a much larger threat than typical small and medium-sized businesses can address. Devices with outdated or unpatched firmware – including desktop computers, printers, point-of-sale systems or even smartphones – can provide a possible opening to a cyberattack. With altafiber’s Secure Network solution, businesses are protected from cyberattacks no matter where they originate.

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Topics: Business, Secure Network

The Fiber Difference For Your Business

Posted by Mark Richie on Nov 10, 2022 8:44:05 AM

Small business owners, managers and employees often have to wear several hats and interacting with technology in your everyday work life is inevitable. A lot of a business's success in today's world relies on having internet speeds that can keep up. But what good is speed if it doesn’t come with security and reliability? With altafiber's Fiber Internet and Secure Network, you’ll get all of that and more.

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Topics: Internet, Security, Technology, Business, Secure Network