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Navigating the hybrid, 'always on' business world

Posted by Sam S. on Mar 19, 2024 9:00:00 AM

It's 2024 and everyone is familiar with the newer, hybrid way of work. You may work at a physical location, or remotely. And whether you like it or not, businesses are pretty much expected to be "open" 24x7x365. This has created a stressful environment for small business owners especially — how can you do everything, and be everywhere all the time?? Continue reading to learn more about this hybrid, 'always-on' world, and how to navigate it. 

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Topics: Internet, Security, Business, Phone

Is Your Business Cybersafe?

Posted by Sam S. on Nov 7, 2023 9:00:00 AM

By this point, we’ve all seen the headlines: data breaches, ransomware, hacked accounts. No matter how they’re conducted, cyberattacks pose a major liability for businesses, especially for businesses who are not taking network security seriously. With breaches occurring more and more frequently, it’s time to start thinking about securing your network to help protect your business from hackers trying to access your sensitive data.

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Topics: Security, Business

5 Threats to Cybersecurity While Traveling

Posted by Sam S. on Oct 31, 2023 11:56:25 AM

Whether flying to California for a business conference or driving to Florida for a family vacation, security should be top-of-mind when traveling. It's important to remain vigilant to keep your business and personal information safe. Read about these 5 cybersecurity threats that business travelers and vacationers often encounter:

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Topics: Security

Stronger Networks are Built on Fiber

Posted by Trevor J. on Jun 5, 2023 10:40:01 AM

When it comes to cybersecurity, your best offense is a fiber-fortified defense. Not only does altafiber’s Fiber Internet provide a stronger connection than competitors’ standard copper or cable networks, it also provides a more secure connection by design—at an affordable price. With a more secure connection, fiber is the trustworthy go-to for maintaining the safety of your business’ data and the customers you serve.

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Topics: Internet, Security, Technology, eCommerce, Business

The Fiber Difference For Your Business

Posted by Mark Richie on Nov 10, 2022 8:44:05 AM

Small business owners, managers and employees often have to wear several hats and interacting with technology in your everyday work life is inevitable. A lot of a business's success in today's world relies on having internet speeds that can keep up. But what good is speed if it doesn’t come with security and reliability? With altafiber's Fiber Internet and Secure Network, you’ll get all of that and more.

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Topics: Internet, Security, Technology, Business, Secure Network

Security & IT: What can we learn from the COVID-19 crisis

Posted by Joe R on Apr 29, 2020 12:57:12 PM

Security and technology are now more important than ever to support a remote business.  Having those two key roles working together is critical to mobilize a work-from-home plan.   Constant communication, strategic planning, and prioritization are needed to keep your business functional. As we have started to get used to our new normal working through this pandemic, here are a few things to keep in mind to mitigate security risk and become fully functional when remote.

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Topics: Internet, Security, Technology