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Sam S.

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Introducing Business Calling

Posted by Sam S. on Apr 16, 2024 11:19:49 AM

altafiber's Business Calling with Webex is a simplified, all-in-one calling and collaboration solution for small, medium and large businesses.

As internal and external business communications become more complex, companies are breaking away from legacy PBX phone systems and moving to cloud / Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) calling. This blog will explore how making this switch and implementing Business Calling from altafiber can save businesses time, money and valuable IT resources. You can also read our infographic for what questions your business must consider when deciding which calling solution is best for you.

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Topics: Business, Phone

Navigating the hybrid, 'always on' business world

Posted by Sam S. on Mar 19, 2024 9:00:00 AM

It's 2024 and everyone is familiar with the newer, hybrid way of work. You may work at a physical location, or remotely. And whether you like it or not, businesses are pretty much expected to be "open" 24x7x365. This has created a stressful environment for small business owners especially — how can you do everything, and be everywhere all the time?? Continue reading to learn more about this hybrid, 'always-on' world, and how to navigate it. 

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Topics: Internet, Security, Business, Phone

One of few test labs in the Midwest: Studio 5G

Posted by Sam S. on Feb 23, 2024 10:36:58 AM

"This has been about 4 years in the making...we started conversations about this lab back when altafiber was Cincinnati Bell and the Bengals hadn’t been to a Superbowl in over 30 years!” said Scott Rash, President & CEO of The Wright State University Foundation, at the long-awaited opening of Studio 5G in Dayton.

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Topics: Internet, Business, Dayton, 5G

Is Your Business Cybersafe?

Posted by Sam S. on Nov 7, 2023 9:00:00 AM

By this point, we’ve all seen the headlines: data breaches, ransomware, hacked accounts. No matter how they’re conducted, cyberattacks pose a major liability for businesses, especially for businesses who are not taking network security seriously. With breaches occurring more and more frequently, it’s time to start thinking about securing your network to help protect your business from hackers trying to access your sensitive data.

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Topics: Security, Business

5 Threats to Cybersecurity While Traveling

Posted by Sam S. on Oct 31, 2023 11:56:25 AM

Whether flying to California for a business conference or driving to Florida for a family vacation, security should be top-of-mind when traveling. It's important to remain vigilant to keep your business and personal information safe. Read about these 5 cybersecurity threats that business travelers and vacationers often encounter:

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Topics: Security