The City of Wyoming is proud to announce a partnership with altafiber to realize a “Smart City” vision and bring free public Wi-Fi to Wyoming as part of a broader effort to ignite economic growth. In partnership with Wyoming, altafiber has installed a Smart City solution with Wi-Fi coverage in the central business district, the village green, and Crescent Park. The community may log on through a splash page at “Wyoming Free Wi-Fi.” This economic development project will allow Wyoming to connect with, engage, and inform visitors and residents; drive more activity and visits; and ultimately help the local business community thrive. Wyoming is the first small city in Hamilton County to implement a Smart City solution. The City is partnering with Cincinnati Bell, which has implemented other Smart City solutions in the region and has invested approximately $1 billion into its Greater Cincinnati fiber network. altafiber will leverage this unique expertise to help the City of Wyoming Smart City vision.
John Putnam

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City of Wyoming partners with altafiber to provide Free Public Wi-Fi
Topics: Internet, Technology
Case Studies of Successful Smart City Implementations
What is Smart City? Imagine a city where all children have equal access to Internet resources to learn, where adults can access online job training and other necessary resources. A city where everyone is connected to the safety and health resources that can improve quality of life. altafiber has implemented a variety of Smart City initiatives to bring free Wi-Fi to cities, venues, and campuses. While each opportunity is different, the process is similar. Build a foundation of fiber and Wi-Fi, then prioritize and implement the Smart City technologies critical to those needs. The Smart City vision ignites economic growth, improves public safety, powers a more efficient government, and bridges the digital divide through the proliferation of ubiquitous, high-speed broadband Internet access.