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      Work Smarter Not Harder T...

      Thanksgiving is right around the corner... this is not a drill! We all know that Thanksgiv...

      How to celebrate Hallowee...

      Seems like everyone has either asked or heard the question, "Is Halloween cancelled this y...

      9 Ways to Keep Your Famil...

      Whether you are virtually learning, working from home, or simply reaching out to loved one...

      How altafiber's culture t...

      Rather than focusing on the negative changes surrounding the pandemic, executives and empl...

      Q&A with Josh Hardy: Fiel...

      Josh Hardy has been a Premise Technician at Cincinnati Bell Inc for 3 1/2 years. He is res...

      How To Be Energy Efficien...

      Everyone knows the deal with Midwest weather: One day we wake up to snow, the next day it ...

      Q&A with Chris Neises: Co...

      Chris Neises is Vice President of Contact Center Operations for Cincinnati Bell Inc. She i...

      Q&A with Brian Golden: Fi...

      Brian is the Vice President of Field Operations. He and his team are responsible for all o...

      Q&A with Ron Beerman: Net...

      Ron is the Vice President of Network Operations and is responsible for technology and serv...

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