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      A Connected Home - Holida...

      Just in time for Christmas, Cincinnati Bell is bringing you the ultimate connected home gu...

      Finding Your Perfect Holi...

      As Buddy the Elf proclaims, “The best way to spread Christmas cheer, is singing loud for a...

      Holiday Shopping with Cin...

      Holiday shopping is here; trees, lights, everything drenched in red and green. Parking lot...

      10 Thanksgiving Recipes i...

      As soon as November hits, it seems like everyone has Thanksgiving on their mind. After all...

      20 Holiday Commands for A...

      It was the season of Christmas, When all through your house, Not a being was stirring not ...

      Cooking Made Easy With Al...

      She can tell us the weather, who won that sports game, set timers, play that on point play...

      Simple Devices for Starti...

      We live in the age of “connected homes”, where many appliances can now be controlled remot...

      Finding the Perfect Playl...

      It is a universally agreed upon fact that having a good playlist is of the utmost importan...

      Top Troubleshooting Quest...

      Long gone are the days when you used to be able to connect a cord from your landline phone...

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